REM Datafile Reportset linesize 120 pagesize 1400;SELECT t.tablespace_name, 'Datafile' file_type, t.status tablespace_status, d.status file_status, ROUND((d.bytes - NVL(f.sum_bytes, 0)) / 1048576) used_mb, ROUND(NVL(f.sum_bytes, 0) / 1048576) free_mb, t.initial_extent, t.next_extent, t.min_extents, t.max_extents, t.pct_increase, d.file_name, d.file_id, d.autoextensible, d.maxblocks, d.maxbytes, nvl(d.increment_by, 0) increment_by, t.block_size FROM (SELECT tablespace_name, file_id, SUM(bytes) sum_bytes FROM DBA_FREE_SPACE GROUP BY tablespace_name, file_id) f, DBA_DATA_FILES d, DBA_TABLESPACES t WHERE t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name AND f.tablespace_name(+) = d.tablespace_name AND f.file_id(+) = d.file_id GROUP BY t.tablespace_name, d.file_name, d.file_id, t.initial_extent, t.next_extent, t.min_extents, t.max_extents, t.pct_increase, t.status, d.bytes, f.sum_bytes, d.status, d.AutoExtensible, d.maxblocks, d.maxbytes, d.increment_by, t.block_sizeUNION ALLSELECT h.tablespace_name, 'Tempfile', ts.status, t.status, ROUND(SUM(NVL(p.bytes_used, 0)) / 1048576), ROUND(SUM((h.bytes_free + h.bytes_used) - NVL(p.bytes_used, 0)) / 1048576), -1, -- initial extent -1, -- initial extent -1, -- min extents -1, -- max extents -1, -- pct increase t.file_name, t.file_id, t.autoextensible, t.maxblocks, t.maxbytes, nvl(t.increment_by, 0) increment_by, ts.block_size FROM sys.V_$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER h, sys.V_$TEMP_EXTENT_POOL p, sys.DBA_TEMP_FILES t, sys.dba_tablespaces ts WHERE p.file_id(+) = h.file_id AND p.tablespace_name(+) = h.tablespace_name AND h.file_id = t.file_id AND h.tablespace_name = t.tablespace_name and ts.tablespace_name = h.tablespace_name GROUP BY h.tablespace_name, t.status, t.file_name, t.file_id, ts.status, t.autoextensible, t.maxblocks, t.maxbytes, t.increment_by, ts.block_size ORDER BY 1, 5 DESC/